
Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Plastic on Wednesdays

We are the culprit for damaging the environment and it reflects to ourselves with the prolonged use of Plastic bags. All are asking its the only cause for this but i emphasizes that it also one of the cause.To minimize,we have to cooperate with the Chennai corporation for making Roads.They are collecting plastic bags in every Wednesday through schools.

                              This is known to everyone.,but needs to be done by everyone.
                                                         Pls cooperate

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Plants are not just able to live;they are able to sense.

Dear friends,
After reading the posts on, may be a new approach to salt stress and plant communication by gases, i was searching for the information on plant communication and i have come through this interesting video by Stefano Mancuso , who is a neurobiologist. his talk on the roots of plant intelligence definitely will transform our view on plant behavior. this is an excellent video .  can plants have intelligence of their own? this will be a very interesting topic to discuss. you can find some examples from this video for this question.  you can also visit his laboratory website and find his work on plant behavior.He has papers on salt stress .
thank you.

Monday, 20 February 2012

Nature has all the answers!

Dr. William Li, President and Medical director at the angiogenesis foundation  explains how anti-angiogenic therapy can help cure cancer. Another interesting concept at treating cancer, or so I thought, after watching the video of  Dr. Bill Doyle , but I find the one by Dr.Li far more convincing. While explaining about anti-angiogenic therapy, Dr.Li goes a step further, reiterating the fact that holding onto one's good food habits can help prevent cancer; this newfound concept of antiangiogenesis proves just that. The answer sometimes is right there on your dinner table! 

 So when I get ready for my next meal, be it the tomatoes, or the dash of turmeric in my rasam/sambar, or the grapes and oranges, or when I get to eat those dark chocolates after dinner, or drink a glass of red wine, I would certainly take it with a sense of gratitude to nature's offering.

Given below is a list of anti-angiogenic foods given by Dr.Christianna Pierce:

Thursday, 16 February 2012

May be, a new approach to stress tolerant plants

I blog this with great confidence after reading the previous blog on gas-mediated communication in plants. It had some link to my own thought process...

Having some familiarity of research on plants, more particularly in the field of breeding for salt tolerance, I have this feeling that we condone aspects of plants that may be unrelated to genes or alleles, but may have some kind of an impact on its 'behaviour' or response to certain stresses.
Perhaps we are too engrossed and immersed in the established doctrines of plant behavior that our brain refuses to deviate from conventional thinking!

Have we ever thought about a simple solution to making a plant or crop salt/drought tolerant? I know the immediate and easy answer could be, 'just allow them to 'evolve' or select themselves after gradual exposure to stress'. But then, evolution and adjustment might take time! Though all the technologies that we use currently to 'breed' for salt tolerance have taken awful lot of time and money and resources (practically yielding no result), at least people would be happy that they have used some 'technology' and in the process gained some satisfaction in the form of publications.. That's why I was wondering if we can hasten the process of evolution for stress tolerance through means other than 'techno-fancy'.

There must be some way that plants 'communicate' with the environment, its own species and others. I feel plants also communicate to us, the 'the dominant species' and animals. One communication that they do with us and that we all would appreciate is the fragrance of flowers.. some enticing and others repelling. I just want to ask the question, whether plants have some mechanism to communicate stress. Yes, they do have, as we would have repeatedly read and heard through those innumerable number of pictures of gels that display molecular responses and pictures of plants that show visual symptoms. But beyond all these mundane scientific or unscientific redundancies relating to its 'self', do they communicate to their own species or relatives growing near them? And, is there any communication coming back from those species and relatives to help them tide over stress? I guess this question has not been asked as yet.

A simple solution to hasten the process of evolution of crops for salt tolerance, when examined properly and scientifically may lie in facilitating two-way communication by growing 'compassionate' or supportive salt tolerant plants or wild relatives alongside sensitive crop plants. Of course, we can delineate the molecular mechanism of 'compassionate' communication between plants and publish in high impact journals, if at all my hypothetical questions are tested experimentally. It is just simple to test at least....

Statutory warning: Use of colloquial words to describe my thoughts does not imply ignorance of scientific parlance! This is just a blog! If you tested my hypothesis and found some response, pl. inform!

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Plant to Plant Communication by gas, Is it Possible??????

Professor.Smirnoff and their team done one experiment to show that plant can warn their neighbour by releasing gas. This response, in which the wounded plants release a gas that trigger wound responses, is already well-known. however,, by introducing a firefly gene responsive to the wound-induced gases, the were able to visualise this response using a sensitive photon counting camera.

they made a video of plant which is giving warning signal to neighbour plants by means of gas, since the plant has firefly gene which is responsive to that gas so it is glowing and captured it in high sensitive camera....

watch video using the link pasted below

Friday, 3 February 2012

In vivo reprogramming of adult pancreatic exocrine cells to β-cells

In this paper, the authors have described a strategy for cellular reprogramming of adult pancreatic exocrine cells to β-Cells by re-expressing key three embryonic transcription factors(Ngn3 (also known as Neurog3) Pdx1 and Mafa) which regulates the fate of embryonic cellular differentiation. The induced β-cells are indistinguishable from endogenous islet β-cells in size, shape and ultrastructure. They express genes essential for β-cell function and can ameliorate hyperglycaemia by remodelling local vasculature and secreting insulin. This study provides an example of cellular reprogramming using defined factors in an adult organ and suggests a general paradigm for directing cell reprogramming without reversion to a pluripotent stem cell state and can be useful in regenerative medicine for repairing of damage or diseased tissues.

The full-length article can be obtained from-