Dear friends,
After reading the posts on, may be a new approach to salt stress and plant communication by gases, i was searching for the information on plant communication and i have come through this interesting video by Stefano Mancuso , who is a neurobiologist. his talk on the roots of plant intelligence definitely will transform our view on plant behavior. this is an excellent video . can plants have intelligence of their own? this will be a very interesting topic to discuss. you can find some examples from this video for this question. you can also visit his laboratory website and find his work on plant behavior.He has papers on salt stress .
thank you.
Dear friends,
after reading the previous posts on may be a new approach to salt stress and plant communication by gases i was searching for the information on plant communication and i have come through this interesting video by Stefano Mancuso , who is a plant neurobiologist. in this he has given beautiful examples for plant behavior. and you can also visit his laboratory website, can find more interesting papers on plant behavior. on salt stress also he has papers. this is the link
thank you
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